2022 GCE O Level Result Release
Announcement To All 2022 Sec 4 Express/5 Normal (Academic) Students
The O-Level result release will begin punctually at 2.00pm on 12 January 2023 (Thurs).
You should arrive from 1.30pm to allow time for attire checks. Please be seated by 1.55pm at MPH Level 4. Your parents may observe the release of results in MPH. If you are unwell or require self-isolation due to positive COVID-19 test result, you should not return to school to collect your result. SEAB has made provision for all candidates to view their results online via SEAB’s Candidates Portal https://myexams.seab.gov.sg on the result release day.
Please refer to the school handbook (pages 10-18) on guidelines for attire and grooming:
- Full school uniform or PE t-shirt with school pants or skirts.
- School shoes with SHSS socks.
- Appropriate hairstyle and no coloured hair.
Inappropriate hairstyle and attire will cause delays in getting your results.
To Parents:
Regardless of the result outcome, it is important for our teens to know that they are loved for who they are, and that their grades do not define them or their future. The social and emotional support you provide will be especially valuable and crucial in helping our teens manage their emotions and be positive when deciding on their next steps.
Do take this opportunity to have further open conversations with your teen about their interests and choices and build their pathways together.
For more resources on providing social and emotional support, affirming your teen, and supporting your teen’s transition through post O-Level education, please refer to the following links: